Friday, February 24, 2012

This disease occurs when your own immune

Advocated and protects the body from various microorganisms, helping you enjoy a healthy life. But the immune system also has many shortcomings and violations of the immune system that can play a mean trick on your body. As a disorder caused by the immune system, affects your body dramatically? These disorders can be caused by various factors and may develop or active or more active immune response. One can classify these disorders of the immune system of primary or acquired (immune deficiency) disorders, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases and cancer. Autoimmune violations occur when the immune system the body uses a different course, mistakenly attacking its own tissues and cells. Allergic disorders occur when the immune system is generally more active. Immunodeficiency disorders may occur when the immune system is at risk or not at all. Primary immunodeficiencies may be associated with genetic abnormalities, so people are born with this disease.anabolic cookbook Acquired immune deficiency can occur for a variety of infections, nutritional disorders or treatment. These disorders of the immune system were affected by B-cells, T cells and phagocytes strictly. Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin IgA It is usually found in body fluids and saliva. IgA deficiency may produce fewer antibodies, thereby evading the entrance protection and causes allergies, colds, respiratory infections, etc. SCID severe combined immunodeficiency is caused by deficiency of B-lymphocytes and T lymphocytes. Without the help of these cells can not fight infections. For children suffering from SCID, the only way to survive, making bone marrow transplantation. DiGeorge syndrome children are born with dysplasia of thymus have no thymus, or thymus gland is underdeveloped which maintains the T-lymphocyte maturation. They suffer from recurrent infections and physical injuries. Chediaka-Higashi syndrome is one of the rare hereditary disorders of the immune system that lead to albinism. AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS ends your immune system gradually. It is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which completely destroys T-helper cells and causes various fatal infections. AIDS can be contracted the drug lasix at birth, through sexual contact or through the use of contaminated needles. Some drugs to subdue and suppress the immune system strictly. Chemotherapy treatment and immunosuppressants drugs can cause acquired immunodeficiency. Autoimmune disorders One of the most unusual is the autoimmune disease. This disease occurs when your own immune system attacks its own organs and tissues, recognizing that they were some foreign elements. There are various autoimmune diseases like scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, Bekhterev's disease, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile dermatomyositis, etc. Most of the internal organs, muscles, bones, suffer from this disease. Allergic disorders allergens provoke the immune system is too badly react and cause allergic disorders. There are many allergic reactions that occur due to exposure to environmental antigen. Some common allergic diseases are:

usually due to pollen, dust mites, animal hair, mold, etc. These allergens narrow breathing tubes, reducing airflow and makes the person unable to breathe. It may be due to dust, changes in weather, drugs, different types of food, toxins, etc. Cancer is one of the most serious violations of the immune system is cancer. For the treatment of cancer is still very unpopular in many countries. This usually occurs when the growth of cells is uncontrolled and abnormal. Leukemia and lymphomas are some examples of cancerous tumors. Leukemia involves abnormal growth of white blood cells and lymphoma includes growth of lymphoid tissue. Although many of these disorders of the immune system are inevitable, you can work on strengthening the immune system by searching for some online natural remedies. .

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