Friday, February 24, 2012

Emphysema, therefore, more common and more serious ...

Pathologia etc. Microbiologia domain II. Symposium

emphysema emphysema in Ibadan, Nigeria: a preliminary report with pathological studies 114 Unselected autopsy

AF Alla

Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, University of Ahmad Bello, Dawn

Pathologia and other Microbiologia 1970; 35:170-170 (DOI: 10. 1159/000 162 219)

Summary of large-scale shooting incidence emphysema in autopsy material in Ibadan continues. This report is devoted to the results in 114 light yet analyzed. This series consists of light of 59 men and 55 women. Ignoring signs of emphysema and considering both sexes, only 7 (6. 1) of 114 lung showed emphysema. If trace lasix side effects amounts included 22 (19. 3) of 114 lung showed evidence of emphysema. Only 7 (12. 7), 55 females from lung showed emphysema and only 1 of 7 lungs with emphysema showed up to 18 years. 9 participation. The remaining 6 light showed much less than the 10 most part shows 1 or less. With 59 light males 15 (25. 4) showed evidence of emphysema. One of these showed mild 94. 9 part 3 can show 25-33 part 6 light showed between 3 and 16 participated in while the remaining 5 lungs showed liters or less involved. Emphysema, therefore, more common and more severe in men than in women in Ibadan. Compared with London Edingburgh Cardiff Boston and some other centers of emphysema with low morbidity and defeat is very soft in Ibadan. This is likely due to the lack of heavy industry and therefore no air pollution in Ibadan. Copyright 1970 S. Karger AG, Basel.

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